Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20 work in progress, plus other stuff

Okay, I think I'm going to start incubating eggs on May 25. I'm still taking orders for Black Rosecomb eggs. BBReds are sold out for the season (if you're hysterically crying reading that, email me, I'll see what I can do for you, but no promises). Not sure how many I'll hatch, guess I'll see what I feel like! :-)

I did not have time to do the image transfer on the CCA grips today. I did a little practice on a plastic spoon (because I wanted to try out the new sewing-needle tool, and see how much detail I can transfer from the Wright Flyer image). I'm pretty optimistic about it, just need to take it REALLY slow and careful. It'll probably take me a couple hours just to transfer the images (same method as I did for the knife, paper printout taped on, dotted through). Animal subjects are so much easier, I can freehand so much of them!

These are the three sets of grips I have right now. The one on the left is for the Colt Collector's Association annual auction gun (which I refer to as the CCA gun because that's a mouthful). The other two are for a private client, I'll be working on those starting in late May or early June.

I've never worked on anything as big and chunky as a pistol grip, and I don't want them rolling around on my little "table top" so I made this nifty beanbag. It's leftover flannel from my awesome pajama pants, and filled with rice. Yay, holds them nicely in place!

Progress on the zebra knife. I can't wait to see it without all this tape and stuff on there! If you missed that in an earlier post, it's wrapped in tape and felt so that I don't impale myself (it's not a folding knife) and also to protect the bolsters and back side ivory from any accidental scratches.

Oh, and Mr. Barn Swallow agrees with me that 96 degrees is WAY TOO HOT for this time of year. He's panting! This is photographed through the window right next to where I work all day, so he's all of maybe 6 feet away from me.

1 comment:

  1. Okay with that progression of barn swallow pics it looks like you caught him panting and now he is looking at you rather miffed. Did you give him a little bird bath so he could cool off? -BM
