Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The 50-50 Show!!!

Just a reminder that the 20th Street Art Gallery's "50-50 Show" opened today and runs through May 30! Receptions are April 11 and May 9 from 6pm to 9pm. You can see all my work here! I will not be able to keep tabs on what's sold and not sold, since I will probably only be at the gallery a handful of times during the show. Interested in a piece? Go see the show or give the gallery a call!

I did squeeze in some time this evening to work on the sketches for the knife, but I think I want to get both sketches done before I start posting stuff. I talked to the knifemaker and he says that unfortunately doing "full coverage" front and back on the knife won't change the selling price much from doing just the front. That's a bummer, but he says that's just how it is in the market. I may do it anyway, just because I want this to be as fabulous as possible. It's up to me. Hmm.


  1. Have a great show!!! Wonderful paintings!!!

    Great job with opposing the "stinkin'" permit. Si senorita. We don't need no 'stinkin' permits. Our freedom, what it means to be human, could be diminished one permit at a time without people like you. Thanks.
