Sunday, March 08, 2009

busy as a bee

Wow, I feel like such a blog slacker lately! I know you all must feel so deprived. I'll try to be better. I've been busy. I'm painting like a crazy woman trying to get back on schedule (oh yeah, you KNEW it would come to this). I finished the engraving a couple days ago. I'll post it, really, I will... I need to get a sketch out for approval this week, and this and that, woo wee.

Glorious weather! Too muddy to ride. :-(

Just a little reminder, I'm on Facebook. Feel free to add me. If your name might not ring a bell please add a little note to your friend request.

So yesterday, after getting up early for rehearsal down in Lodi, I spend most of the day at a framing workshop that the local art club puts on for high school students. It's a really neat thing they do. Long day, a LOT of framing. I've got a crick in my back that doesn't want to go away.

Today, after not getting much sleep (darn time change!) I went to a gun show in Sacramento with BV. I'd wanted to check this out and see if anything I do would be marketable there. Definitely not. It was an interesting show, I had fun, but much too "low end" to work for me.

Rakkasah West Bellydance festival is next weekend! It's at the fairgrounds in Vallejo. I will be on stage at 6pm Saturday March 14 on the Exhibit Hall Stage with the Arabian Jewels troupe. Come visit! :-)

It's gonna be a crazy busy week and I'm zonked. Sleepytime!

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