Friday, February 13, 2009

little old lady

Pardon me, I have to rant. I was raised to believe that one does not open a can of whoop ass on little old ladies, which is why, at various occasions on my life, I've shown great restraint in not doing so. One of these occasions was on Saturday. I was one package of cream cheese short of what I needed to make my birthday cheesecake, and the local convenience store didn't have any so I drove down to the Raley's in Galt, picked up my one little box of cream cheese and was waiting in the express line while the couple in front of me wrangled a couple of kids and paid for their groceries. This little old lady got into line behind me, but stepped sorta in front me me and put her one little package of bacon on the checkout counter. I gave her a weird look but didn't think much of it, maybe it was a very heavy package of bacon or something, who am I to judge.

The checker, without looking, reached over and grabbed the pack of bacon and scanned it. And little miss little old lady marched her butt right around and cut in front of me. "Um excuse me!" I exclaimed. She didn't even bother to look. That b----! What a clever ploy! From now on I will always set my own groceries on the little shelf to avoid being scammed by little old ladies, or maybe I'll just start using a shopping cart even when I only have one item, that way I have something to fend them off with. Ugh I know it's ridiculous but I was SO mad, I just hate it when people do stuff like that.


  1. Yeah, I have seen little old ladies do the exact same thing. And they know EXACTLY what they are doing too! You know me, I have called their bluff, and they always have some sort of half-arsed excuse (they are embarassed that they were caught). All you have to say is "I am sure your mother did not teach you to cut in line." That usually reminds them to behave better (no matter their age). -BM

  2. OK, so now that I'm a (not so) little (but) old lady, I'd like to know more about how you get away with things like this. I need to study this technique. Usually I have a big cart of groceries, though, not just one item. How does one butt in front with a whole cart of groceries. I wonder if I could put my blue handicapped parking thing on the front of it or something? JJ

  3. Dear JJ,
    You are not old enough yet. I have a belief that it must come naturally with age or something...part of your DNA. If you have not figured out this strategy aimed against the young whippersnappers of the world, then take heart in the knowledge that you are nowhere near old enough yet. Don't worry, you can practice and hone your little-old-lady-butt-in-line skills on Katherine. And if she gets good at telling off the old ladies, then you can practice counter-attacks on her. What a great friend, that Katherine! -BM

  4. JJ and BM, you both made me laugh out loud! That was great :-). Yes, I have also experienced the "sneaky-little-old-lady" in the check-out line. I won't let them cut, EVER. They have to wait in line like the rest of us (hehe).
