Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27 work in progress

It can mean three things when I drop off the bloggy world for a couple of days. One possibility is I'm gone. The second is I'm totally slacking off and doing nothing. The third is I'm über busy.

It's been option number three lately, so lest you think I've been a slacker I'll just correct you on that now. No!! I'm just not posting much of what I'm working on.

Here's the one I can show you (this is obviously an in-progress thing):

not yet titled
Golden Phoenix
8 x 11 inches
colored pencil and graphite on white Stonehenge paper

I am making very good progress on the 50-50 paintings, but have decided to hold off on posting them until all are done. I can't wait to see them all on display! Just fyi, it's the 50-50 show at the 20th Street Gallery in Sacramento. April 8 through May 30.

I am also working (feverishly, I might add) on another little engraving. This one (1 x 3/4 inch) is half the size of the tiger but is shaping up to take twice the hours. Smaller dots, more detail. Dang skippy. This is nuts. And I LOVE IT. I'll show you when it's done if it turns out like I am hoping it will.

Busy busy busy.


  1. Hi! What will the 50-50 art go for?
    Any idea yet?

  2. Dear CS,
    In a post a while back, Katherine said they were $180 each. I hope that helps to answer your question.
