Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15 works in progress

Okay, I'm finally getting back to work on this one. I'm going to do this in dark brown ink. Not multicolor, just brown. Might give it sort of a sepia look. Not sure. I just want to try a monochrome non-black piece.

American bison
scrimshaw on ancient ivory (mammoth)

These are still far from done but should go relatively fast. I need to have then done by the middle of next week. There are 3-4 more layers of color to go on the birds themselves, plus their feet, and a dark background.

White Seramas
colored pencil and graphite on white Stonehenge
5x7" each

I'm not usually this tired at 11:26pm, but I could totally fall asleep sitting here right now. I'd better update the tutorial and call it a day!

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