Sunday, September 14, 2008

busy, how was yours?

Dang, this weekend flew. I got a lot done though. I've typed up most of my labels (everything gets an "artist statement" this year), I redid my sign to include the word "scrimshaw," I got a horse drawing sketched out to work on at the show. Tomorrow I'll pick up the new cards. I barn-sat over the weekend at a beautiful ranch about 20 minutes away. It's not hard (feeding, cleaning stall, moving horses around) but it sure eats up a lot of the day at a time when I'm feeling pressed for time (hour and a half of work, hour and twenty minutes driving, sixty miles per day... I had to go out twice a day). Yesterday I drove up to Grass Valley and dropped off my entries. Tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be all about packing up, labeling, and folding cards.

The engraving forum is doing another tutorial competition, results of the first one (where I did the bear scrim) will be available this coming Friday. I'm thinking about entering the next one too, because it was fun! Someone suggested I work on an elk tooth for that one. I could do that, I do have one more tooth. I'd need to think of an image, and I would rather present it as an art piece than a necklace so I'd have to think about how to do that. Or, I just started the bronc rider scrim (well, so far just sketched). Or, there's that knife that I could potentially really mess up in public view... Hmm.

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