Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I don't really feel like talking about art tonight, so how bout some turkey pics. The local flock of 10 babies and 2 adult females is in the front yard almost every afternoon, and in the evening they head down the road to the creek. Some of these pics were taken a few days ago. The babies are almost as big as the adults, and have about half their adult feathers in now.

The one on the right is one of the adult females:

What's that in front of the turkey on the right?

Why it's a dragonfly! Ha! That was unexpected.

I canned peaches this morning. It's this total onslaught of fruit now. Jam it, can it, freeze it, give it away, eat it... and in a week it'll all be gone and then we miss it like crazy.

Is this a great pic or what!