Sunday, August 03, 2008


*yawn* I've actually been gone since Friday, I got home this afternoon and am really tired, but I have to go back to Wednesday to catch up on blogging.

I went to JJ's that evening to work with her horse Dusty (remember him? He's a Tennessee Walker I worked with for a few months and on our graduation ride he had a big time spook at a boulder and dumped me on my head?) I think he's only been ridden once since then (not by me) and he's been giving JJ's young neighbor some trouble when she comes over to ride the other horse. So I decided I needed to refresh Dusty's memory. We had to have a few little talks, so to speak, but he was pretty good and I rode him some around the pasture. I love to canter that horse but his feet are in need of a trim and he was stumbly so I didn't ride much, and won't ride him again til he gets trimmed. It would be fun to take him up to JC's ranch this fall with Shylah for some fun with mountains and rocks and hopefully not too many bears. ;-)

Olin's doing very well. I wrote that previous post while out of town. Yes, I felt terrible leaving my kitty but I felt confident that Mom could handle giving him pills. So Olin has a shaved leg, which looks funny:

These are pics of the king of relaxation from last week, pre-abscess:

Want a closeup of that smile?:

Okay, so Friday late afternoon I drove up to JC and DC's place, 200 miles north. I am pleased to report my car made it there and back without incident. I always go visit there during the summer to see the foals, and we also went to see the new X-Files movie on Saturday. I enjoyed it, but then again my enthusiasm for Mulder is no secret. ;-) It was pretty hot up there this weekend. I rode JC's new Gypsy mare this morning. She's very green broke (and very lazy) so it was a mild ride, but she's about as wide as a barrel and quite mellow, and I can now add another breed to the list of horse breeds I've ridden. And of course I had to take a zillion foal pics! It was hard to narrow it down so here's a bunch:

Abby, a buckskin Azteca (Andalusian X Quarter Horse) filly (she's adorable, and for sale):

Doc, a dun overo Azteca (Andalusian X Paint) colt. This guy is going to be FLASHY!:

BK, this one's for you, lol. ;-)
(the colt is shaking his head, if anyone's wondering)

Doc and Abby playing:

Anyway, now it's time to make some art.

1 comment:

  1. what a cute pair of horses! I love the action head shake shot--good work!-BM
