Friday, August 01, 2008


Well, you're probably tired of me pestering to see if anyone wants to buy jam, so this is it. The apricot is sold out. I am doing pre-order ONLY for the following:

Plum: ripe now! MUST order by Monday 8/4, very very limited quantities
Nectarine and/or Peach (ready in a week or so, please order asap)

Nectarine and Peach will probably be almost identical in taste. If you have a strong preference for one over the other let me know, or if you want both let me know. If you don't have a preference you could get either one. Remember, it'll be a few weeks til I can ship either of those.

Cost: $5 per half pint jar. Shipping $12 for up to 6 jars. If you're local you can pick it up. Payment okay in the following forms: check/MO to Katherine Plumer, PO Box 703, Wilton, CA 95693 or paypal to

In other news...

I am sooooo tired. Between going to bed late, getting up early, and having a sick cat on my bed all night (more on that in a minute), and mosquitoes in the middle of the night, it would not take a lot of fingers to count up how many hours of sleep I got. Olin is at the vet hospital today, I dropped him off this morning. One leg is very swollen, he's hot and lethargic. The lady at the front desk says it sounds like an abscess. Hope it's nothing more serious. I worry worry worry worry when one of the animals is unwell, especially when it's that particular animal! I won't know what's going on with him til this afternoon. Worry worry....

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