Friday, July 18, 2008

paved trail rides

That's what I used to call them with Thunder, "paved trail rides." Thunder was a great road horse. Gwen was great around traffic but she has that sneaky aspect to her personality that has always felt dangerous. Shylah has the makings of a great road horse too. Why I haven't done this more with her, well... I'm a wimp? It's the moment of going for it that's hard, but then I find out it's not so bad after all and it gets easier. I'm like this with life in general sometimes! :-)

I've had Shylah out almost every day this week for a few-mile ride. She's really good around cars. Big rigs (only seen one and I was dismounted at the time) may be a little iffy. Have not yet seen a motorcycle. Little yappy anklebiter dogs concern her. Sheep might be dangerous. But overall she's been very good and I've run into a few people along the way who want to chat and that's fun. I saw my hay guy this morning, he said the hay went up another $3.50 per bale between the first cutting and the second cutting. Good grief! Good thing I got first cutting! The feed store has grass hay for $14something per bale. That's insane. (BK you asked about the bale size, they are larger/heavier than the ones you have).

Anyway, it's just a matter of telling myself that even though I don't have great mountain trails in my backyard, or live along the river anymore, it doesn't mean I can't still get out around here and have a lot of fun with a great horse. Of course I still need to mooch trailer rides. The paper had a nice article about the El Dorado Trail the other day... that sounds fun.

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