Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Adventure: June 26: Yellowstone: Old Faithful

It was evening when we arrived at Old Faithful. There was a smallish crowd starting to gather. We had no idea when it was going to do its thing and couldn't find a sign anyway so we figured that meant time to go get ice cream cones and wander back out there. Perfect timing. The crowd got bigger and I could hear people saying it would go off in a few minutes.

And then I heard people exclaiming about a bison! Huh? Sure enough, what should come wandering up but a lovely big bison!

Oh this was perfect! Good lighting, he was really close, and all I had to do was sit there and take photos while he turned this way and that. What a guy, perfect reference animal, I thank him for that. And eventually he wandered right into the frame of the photo with Old Faithful going off! Seriously, it doesn't get any more awesome than that. We sure got there at the right time. :-)

Old Faithful not doing much yet:

Look at him, he's great! The urge to bust out a curry comb and fix up that hairdo is hard to resist, but I'm sure he wouldn't take kindly to that.

Me with the bison.

Any second...

There it goes! Whoosh! It lasts a few minutes, I didn't know it went on so long!

Bryan with the bison, on the wrong side the danger sign uh oh!

Hey look, an animal scratching itself!

Us with the bison, too bad it wasn't just a little closer or it would look like it's on B's head. :-)

I'm not sure why I like this photo so much, but I do!

Truly, there could be no better way to witness Old Faithful, that bison just made it extra super duper.

Next up, more bison and elk on the way out!


  1. What great photos! Makes me want to draw a bison :]

  2. You like it because I took it ;-P

    Sometimes, the parts are better than the whole, right?

  3. Yeah, that must be the reason. ;-)

    I'm trying to come up with an appropriate answer to the second part of that.... ;-)

  4. Thanks Esther! I think I will be drawing several bison now!
