Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Adventure: June 26: Yellowstone: more bison and elk

We left Old Faithful and drove toward West Yellowstone (that's an actual town btw, its in Montana, yay I went to Montana!). Somewhere along that stretch of road we missed the bear. Oodles of cars pulled over along the river, so we jumped out and ran up there and people said "you just missed the bear." Dang! Probably a big gorgeous photogenic bear, knowing my luck. Oh well, I did enjoy the bison at Old Faithful. You win some, you lose some.

Onward we went, the sun was setting (oh, it stays light a lot later there). We stopped to take photos at a field full of bison and their calves. A lot of these pics came out blurry as it was so dark outside. I thought it was interesting that these bison were not nearly as shedded out as the two we'd seen earlier in the day.

Yes, a tripod would have been nice, but my luggage was stuffed to the gills with all the other stuff I brought along. Maybe next time. :-)

And then another field of bison.

And then two elk cows out in a field. The light was nearly gone, so all but a few of these came out blurry. Oh well, still useable to me as reference for shape and movement.

Next up: Day two in Yellowstone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm so envious of your trip, it was indeed a trip of a lifetime! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and photos with us. Great stuff!
