Monday, June 30, 2008

weary traveler returns

And so ends the Adventure. I got home around 1am last night, way too tired to even think about logging in here. I had a GREAT trip, it really was the adventure of a lifetime, despite being in some ways completely different than what I had anticipated.

If you don't know where I was, I left on the 20th and spend the last ten days staying with my friend BK in Idaho, and we went to Yellowstone, and spent a lot of time in Jackson Hole, and went trail riding, and really I had a fantastic week. Huge thank you to BK for the hospitality and for driving me around and being a great person to spend time with.

Between the two of us (I promise to credit photos appropriately!) on my two cameras (YES! I bought the Nikon D80! That's a story in itself) we took around 900 photographs. So that's going to take me a while to sort through them, and I'm sure it'll take as long to blog about the trip as it did to live it first-hand!

So stay tuned!

Oh geez I need to do laundry and unpack. It's REALLY hard getting back to normal life.

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo true about it being hard to get back to "real" life - you almost need a vacation to re-cooperate AFTER the vacation :-)
