Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27 work in progress

This is pretty much done. I'll see if I agree with that statement tomorrow, and sign it, and take a good photograph in daylight that's not distorted by me having to stand on tiptoes and hold the camera up high to get the whole thing in the frame. I'm *REALLY* happy with it! :-) I think I said this when I did the Jessie portrait in graphite but dang I've missed working in graphite. And velour, yummy, love this paper! It wouldn't be good for everything, but for this it's perfect. It does function just like velvet when it comes to picking up cat hair though. Geez, I can see that I'm going to have to go at it with a tweezers before I frame it! And that's just from Olin sitting in my drafting chair next to it! More people need to commission graphite work, I'm diggin it. There must be some people out there with neutral colored animals that need portraits. ;-)

And just to give you an idea of the size:

So I was trying to figure out exactly when I need to mail the entries (this piece is going to be entered in Draft Horse Classic) and I noticed the entry form doesn't say received June 2, it says postmarked June 2. Sweet cupcakes, that made my day!! They normally have a "due" date and not a postmarked day, so that's super duper. That gives me a couple days to duct tape myself to the microscope and bust my butt to get that scrimshaw done. Oh that would be so nice to enter both, I'd really have both ends of the spectrum in terms of size of artwork. It's going to be a very busy week. Actually, pretty much the whole month is going to be nuts. As soon as I get this stuff done, hmm, well I need to get the second rooster portrait done! And if there's any way I can pull it off I need to finish (and start!) both the elk tooth scrim and the bear cub scrim ASAP.

Must. Focus.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning piece of work! I hope you win lots of prizes with it!!
    Love it.
