Wednesday, April 09, 2008

thinking out loud

Taxes suck! Paperwork sucks! I miss the 1040EZ!



So I just got this interesting book cover illustration commission (well it's not contracted yet but the author is a friend I've known for a gazillion years so I'm not too worried). :-) It's completely different than anything I've ever done, and therefore extremely challenging! I don't have time to start on it til next week but I've just been thinking about the composition and wondering how I'm going to attempt to portray a scene that someone else has imagined. There will be two characters, one human and one not (it's a fantasy novel) in a dark forest setting. Figuring out composition and light source and how to create the appropriate level of drama between the characters, well let's just say I really need to stretch my brain for this one since I don't get to rely on photo references!

For the three of you waiting on chicken art, this does push you back. Sorry, I don't usually take rush jobs but there is the occasional exception, and having known me for 22 years is one of those exceptions.

The list of the moment, not really in order because there will be some simultaneous art action going on. (scrim & colored pencil, scrim & graphite, maybe all three...yeah, I can do that).

-client H.E., fantasy book cover, 6x7.5" color, deadline end of April
-client A.M., Vichi rooster, 5x7" color
-client A,M., Caligo rooster, 5x7" color
-client B.M, two illustrated mat boards, varied size, color
-client D.M., hen and chicks, 7x9.5" color
-for sale, nude scrim # 3, in progress
-for sale, bear scrim pendant, in progress
-for sale, large bear scrim, sketch in progress
-for Draft Horse Classic, large graphite piece, deadline mid May (yipes!) not started
-for Draft Horse Classic, scrimshaw ?, deadline mid May, not started
-client W.G., website (need to do ASAP)

Gotta get these stupid taxes done so I can start cracking the whip and get these things done.

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