Saturday, April 26, 2008

Asparagus and UFOs

My day started much earlier than normal for a Saturday. This morning was the bellydance performance at the Stockton Asparagus Festival. It went pretty well over all I would say. I goofed up once that I'm aware of but it was pretty minor, and I'm sure I smiled more this time even if it was a fake smile. I know some of the other dancers goofed up a lot worse than I did. Seemed like a pretty big crowd, and thank you to those who came to visit. :-) It was a pretty toasty day, and lacking anywhere to change clothes we just wandered around for a while in costume (with cover-up) until it was absurdly hot, and then had ice cream for lunch and went home. We sure got some funny looks, but I'd like to think I was checked out for being such a hottie, not just that I was dressed funny with gobs of flowers in my hair...ha ha. Hey, a girl can dream! ;-) If I had been there as a spectator I would have liked to have seen the craft booths but it just wasn't practical to be wandering around in all that garb, even though I shed as much clothing as I could possibly get away with under the cover-up. ;-)

I would imagine the toilets at an Asparagus Festival must be fairly potent. Bleh.

Anyway, I took about a half hour to veg out and unwind when I got home and then plunged in to working on the book cover for most of the rest of day.

I saw a UFO this evening while spending a few minutes in the hammock in the back yard. Okay it wasn't really a UFO (probably) but it was flying and I could not identify it, so...yeah. My best guess is a strangely shaped mylar balloon, REALLY high up. It was bizarre, and just totally mesmerizing. Weird shape, sort of in two parts like two squares joined at the corner, very shiny metallic, rotating at a constant speed (fairly slow) and blowing in an absolutely straight line. So weird. With no context of what it was I could convince myself it was anything from something about the size and altitude of a high flying hawk, to something the size and altitude of an airplane.

Well, I'm über tired and have another busy day tomorrow. I'd better go to bed. The other night I dreamed I was trying to pilot a small airplane and I was distracted while trying to take off and drove it headfirst into someone's pigeon loft, and even though it only screwed up a little bit of the wire the pigeon dude was trying to get me to fix all kinds of other crap too. What the heck?! I have some doozies. Anyway, off I go.

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