Saturday, December 22, 2007

I think I'm ready

Wow, I think I'm actually ready for Christmas. I finished making gifts yesterday, and wrapped them all today. I finished baking cookies this morning. No more art til early January, but expect pics of the recent projects in about a week. I have a ton of work to do around the house tomorrow, and I must remember to get my entries in for some upcoming poultry shows! It won't be much of a show string. *sigh*

It's been cold, which much of the rest of the country will laugh at, because by "cold" I mean it's been getting into the 20s at night. Brrrr. (it doesn't even snow here). The horses are so fuzzy! I need to post some pics of them. I'll have to chip the mud off first... Time to put rice hulls in the chicken coops to combat the muddy conditions.

If you haven't poked around my store for a while, I have most of my for-sale items on line now. Still a few to add but most of it's there now.

Not the most exciting blog post, I know. Just wait... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I am in love with this. It reminds me of our Christmas days. Christmas celebrations are really cool. Spending it with family is more fun. It means a lot to me. We celebrate it with our parents. They live in New York. My wife and our kid live in Texas. My sister and brother come with their family to hometown and we will have so much fun there. The ladies get busy in making cookies, fudge, cake and other items. The big Christmas dinner is the main course to be done. Of course we men help them in every activity. Children are the one who get more exited. They really love seeing each other. They love to share the new gifts and chocolates with everyone. They say that they love Christmas because they can play a lot with their cousins. It’s because they don’t see each other much because of our busy schedule in works. The decoration for the celebration is done by all together. My parents always seem very happy when we are around them. They feel good and even great when they could spend time with their grand children. Go for best essay writing service here. My father is a good artist. He draws something new every year for the background scenery which adds glitter to the decorations. We get some matching items to decorate. We do it in the front yard and garden. Ladies always do it inside the house. They hand over this work to us if they are too busy with the kitchen works. The tree is always decorated together. The ornaments are old to be frank but do not look so. We always use the same by polishing it. It can be said as a family treasure. Some new items will be there which will be given to children as gifts. They start the process by putting them on the tree. Then we put our favorite one. I hope every new will bring the same happiness to our life.
