Wednesday, November 28, 2007

November 28 work in progress

Good news. It wasn't that expensive to get my car fixed. It got a new serpentine belt and a new pulley (lol, I wrote pullet, sorry inside joke for chicken people). My eternal gratitude goes to the Wilton Garage. :-) So that's a load off, I was afraid that was really the end of the road for the old car. *whew* Of course I do realize it DOES have problems but as long as I don't do any huge road trips I feel pretty okay about it.

I finished the red parts. I'm still learning this... I had applied a layer of wax when I finished the black took a lot of the black off (I thought people were crazy when they told me they are doing multicolor images with no wax barrier, but I see now why it has to be that way). Sooo, now I am going back in with black and *carefully* re-scrimming and re-inking some areas. After I do that I'll do one more color (yellow ochre). This is taking hugely long, it may be more of a show piece than anything else, since of course the price will reflect the time that's etched into its surface!

Back work on this one (JC, yeah, it looks the same as last time you saw it pretty much). You'll see changes starting now though. I have to photograph this one in the morning instead of late at night like usual!

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