Sunday, August 05, 2007

another weekend flew past

Where to start? It was a busy weekend. I had the place to myself, which led me to do silly things like sleep outside in the hammock at night (brrrr! I was glad Homer the cat curled up on my feet this morning!), and eat pancakes for dinner. Why? I dunno, why not.

Aside from starting (and finishing) Harry Potter 7 (I will not say a word about it!) it was a weekend of working around the house, and primarily working in the kitchen. There were approximately 9834984509092 ripe nectarines (okay, slight exaggeration), so I made jam (and strawberry jam too, Saturday was very jammy) and a bunch of pie fillings, tried to bake nectarine bread but it failed miserably (darn random internet recipes!). A very fruity weekend.

I rode Shylah for about an hour and a half, maybe a bit longer than that, on Saturday morning out at JJ's. Just me and Shylah on the trails and levees. She was GREAT. A few minor stupid moments but all in all super good. I think she enjoys going through the parking lot at the corn stand, she seems to love the attention! I miss having Shylah here and seeing her every day (of course I still get to see Gwen every day, but Gwen's not as happy to see me as Shylah is!) but I'm REALLY going to miss riding out there when Shylah comes home. To get anywhere from here I have to ride on the road. Hopefully after this Shylah will be a lot better about cars but being out there on the levees reminds of a lot of the old days with Thunder back on the big ranch, and I sure do miss those river rides.

No art updates, I didn't have time to make art this weekend, but it'll be back to regularly scheduled art updates soon!

I don't regret missing the re-onion, but I know there were people I would have liked to have seen.... C'est la vie. I guess if they wanted to see me too it would happen.

Boring post, I know it. Over and out.


  1. I saw a person this weekend who I haven't seen since high school. She never goes to reunions, either. You're right, if someone wants to see you, they'll look you up. Or you can look them up. It doesn't matter how many years pass (in this case 42) you can still be friends. JJ
