Saturday, May 12, 2007

dog fashion show

Tonight was the Second Saturday art walk, and 4 Paws Pet Boutique (where my paintings are for sale) held a fashion show in conjunction with a clothing boutique. It was quite interesting. No art has sold yet, *sigh.* I'm wondering if it would be better to just do prints and then market the bejeebers out of them and try to get them into MANY boutiques. Might be worth setting up a table to pimp art out front of the store at a Second Saturday this summer. If anyone actually showed up to see me and you got there after 8, sorry you missed me. I was hungry, it was crowded, nobody knew me, I left. :-)

It was evening, low light, I didn't want to do flash photography so I shot everything at ISO 800. It was an experiment. They are pretty grainy, but the lighting is decent.

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