Thursday, May 10, 2007

baby horsies!

Yesterday and today was my annual springtime whirlwind trip up north to JC and DC's. You know, as if I hadn't seen enough of I-5 in the last week... Oh my gosh, you would not believe what I saw on the way home. 10 feet off the side of I-5, grazing in a field, near the Colusa County line-- seven pronghorns! What, are they stalking me now?! Before Saturday I'd never even seen one in California! It was all I could do not to drive off the road I was gawking so much.

Anyway, had a very nice visit, saw some super cute horses, made brownies, all the usual stuff! :-)

Hey look, horses!

TH Aragorn, yearling Gypsy stallion (Shylah's future boyfriend, hmm?):

Nuboso TH, week-old Azteca colt:

Torbellina TH, week-old Andalusian filly:


  1. OK.. I can't believe horses are causing me to comment, but here goes.
    I like the Gypsy fellow...reminds me of a bantam draft horse. And the Andalusian's mom really looks good. When are you going to get a couple of those? (You know "zorro" had an Andalusian!)

  2. Bwahaha, Aaron, are you slowly being converted to a horse person? ;-) Yes, the Gypsy fellow is rather dashing, they are very cool horses. Big, yet small! When will I have an Andalusian... probably never, at least not a purebred. I could have a half-Andalusian, or a half-Gypsy. Shylah gets to take her pick of which studmuffin she wants (ok not really, I'll decide that for her, but probably not for a few more years unless I get rich and famous soon)....

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