Tuesday, April 10, 2007

silly birds

I'm sitting in here working and kept hearing birds flapping against the window. It's this pair of Bushtits, which are really itty bitty gray birds. They are sitting in the Japanese Maple out front and then they fly into the window (about a foot away, it's not like they are hitting it hard) and sorta skitter down the window til the reach the bottom and fly back to the Maple and do it again. I assume they must be going after some bugs, if not then I don't know what they're up to. Maybe they want to come in the house. :-)

Cute little dudes, they didn't mind me standing right by the window taking photos.

This is probably one of my favorite pics now:


  1. either that or they are collecting spider webs for nesting material... We used to have a black phoebe do that at the Arcata house in the spring time...

  2. Ohhh! I hadn't thought about that. Hmm, yes, there is an abundance of spider webs on the window.

  3. I have a chickadee that does the same thing! Only there's nothing there for him to get! No spider webs, no bugs, and he did it last year too! He'll sit on the feeder, about a foot away from the window (or the hummingbird feeder *on* the window) and fly to the window, claw at it, maybe sit and peck it, and then fly back and do it again! I swear he's looking right inside and trying to get in. I have to assume it was the same bird as last year because I'd never seen this behavior before. I've offered to let him in the door, but so far he isn't interested, lol.
