Wednesday, March 21, 2007

new paintings

Okey dokey, so I have been in touch with a pet boutique in midtown Sacto, and I have a meeting on Friday to discuss hanging/selling art there. They cater to mostly the small doggy breeds, so I am going to paint some small dogs, and cats too. These won't be done by Friday of course [laughs hysterically!] but they won't take tooo awfully long. I'll have to balance it out with chicken drawing.

So, top row left to right: "Bob" (Chihuahua mix), "Max" (Boston Terrier), "Beemer" (Yorkie) 12x12 inches
Bottom row left to right: "Mocha", "Patches", "Hardy", "Tempura" (cats and kittens) 6x6 inches
These will be paintings. Right now they are just sketched in pencil on the canvases.

I gotta order more canvas!

I have another email inquiry out to a boutique out of town, and if I don't get a reply I'll send a letter, and I don't get a reply I'll take that as a no. I am shooting for the most upscale places I can find in the best areas of town, within some sort of reasonable driving distance. I'd like to put work into just one or two at first and see how it goes and maybe try to expand it out a bit. We'll see. I am also meeting with an art director in early April to discuss options for me, licensing, ways to sell art, etc.

"Proud Heritage" (Asil) is currently getting digitized, so I should have an estimate on printing costs in the next week or so.


  1. Hey, did you end up using all of the canvas that I got you for Christmas that one year? Was is good enough to use for your paintings or do you use a higher quality canvas?

  2. I still have a few of the 5x5's left. I'm going to order some bigger stuff, more 12x12's etc. I like the Creative Mark brand. They are way cheap but actually quite good and tight!
