Tuesday, February 27, 2007

just checking in...

Yeah, I'm still around. It's just one of those totally insane weeks. For some silly reason I agreed to host a poultry show meeting this coming weekend. Those are enough work normally, and in the midst of the wall-painting and room-rearranging adventure it's chaos. Gotta paint the last wall tomorrow and then I MUST get the furniture out of the middle of the room! I'd scooted the art table back into place last week so I could do some drawing, but nothing else is put away other than what I was working on today. I have not had time to work on the Aseel drawing at all since Thursday, just been too darn busy. I did take it with me to the show last weekend though and showed a few people and it went over well. I've found someone who prints giclees, so I'm gonna go for it when this is done.

I went to Utrecht Art today and bought a really nice easel so that I can be set up permanently for painting, and I'm totally rearranging the furniture in here, both studio and otherwise (my studio is in part of the front room of the house, along with the computer, a piano, couch, dining room, etc. It's nothing grand). Moving the piano is a challenge, dang that thing's heavy! I am also finally finishing a set of shelves that I inherited from the art department quite some time ago, and it's been living in the barn ever since (there was no room in here for it!). I sanded it today and will paint it tomorrow, and then I need to put the shelves in (it has support braces but no solid shelves, I think I'm going to use acid free foam board instead of buying and cutting wood). It'll be a place to store prints and sketches and paper and mat boards and anything else that needs to stay flat. I also use the handy dandy spaces under all the couches, and I had a bunch of stuff crammed behind the couch in here but now that I'm moving that into the middle of the room I have to relocate it. Fun fun fun.

So, I realize this has been a totally useless blog entry but I just wanted to say I'm alive and really busy but unfortunately not with art production.

Oh and I still haven't set up the bird breeding pens and quite frankly I don't want to hatch a bunch of chicks this year. There, I said it. What's wrong with me?! I'll have to hatch a bunch anyway because that's what it takes but I just feel like "oh geez, here we go again." I wish I could only hatch good ones, that would sure simplify it! ;-)

OH! Ha ha, yeah, so I went to a poultry show down in Fresno this weekend. Last show of the season for me, probably, at least in state (hmm.. thinking...) It was a good turnout there, lots of good birds, big class. I got Best RCCL and Reserve APA Bantam. I have to clarify that's APA Bantam because overall the Reserve Bantam was Mallard duck, but since the APA considers those to be waterfowl and the ABA considers them Bantams, it gets a bit complicated. My bird did well, that's what counts. It's that same black cockerel who has been doing well at the last few show, he sure did turn out nice. I wasn't too sure about him at first.

Gotta go to bed, tomorrow's another crazy day....


  1. So does painting the walls mean that you will not be heading to the Litho lab this week?

  2. The two aren't specifically related. I'll probably be there, if I think I can find time.

  3. You poor thing, no wonder you have sounded so "swamped" lately :-)
    Hang in there!
