Monday, February 12, 2007

hippies and hitch hikers

That could mean only one thing.. that I spent my weekend in Humboldt County! I left Friday morning for Eureka. ~310 miles. 6 hours. Rained almost the whole way up there, which is not my most favorite kind of driving weather. It wasn't bad though, traffic was light and the rain was never particularly hard. The worst thing is often the mist coming up off the tires from other vehicles!

It was a smallish show, only about 500 birds. I wish more people would go there, it always concerns me a bit to see a small turnout. It's a fun show, and a totally relaxing weekend for me. I went out for birthday dinner at Mazotti's Italian restaurant, and had the cannelloni, which was delicious. The only downside was being too full for dessert, because the tiramisu sounded pretty tempting...

I did well in the show, got Best RCCL with a Black Rosecomb cockerel. From what the judges said, I think the bird would have gone on to do even better than that but he has a pretty large chunk out of one of his tail feathers. That's nothing recent, he's had that for a while. It's always something.

I did take a bunch of pics this time. Mostly my own birds but a few others too.

The drive home was only 5.5 hours, and was only raining in Eureka. It was beatiful most of the way. I was sooo tired I almost pulled over to nap (I don't sleep well in strange places, so I'm always exhausted after shows!) but after stopping for lunch I felt fine.

There is just one more show that I will be attending this season, probably. I haven't totally ruled out going down to Ventura, but I'd call it unlikely. Time to start thinking about hatching. Aaaaack!

Sharing lunch with some of the pullets on the drive north (no, not driving at the time, I was stopped for lunch!). Is that morbid that it was a turkey sandwich?

Brassy Back Rosecomb pullet

The show, as seen through the cage of very large Embden goose.

Blue Brassy Back Rosecomb cockerel

Black Breasted Red Rosecomb cockerel in a weird pose

Black Rosecomb pullet

Blue Brassy Back Rosecomb pullet

Black Rosecomb cockerel (Best RCCL)

For A.R., I think your Aseel wins the "ugly face" award.


  1. I think the pose of your blue brassy back rosecomb cockerel is fabulous. Maybe even worthy of a drawing. I like how the head is turned and the foot is up. I am glad that you did so well at the show. Good luck in Fresno!

  2. can you ship me eggs to malta of your beautiful birds. embden geese nd rosecombs. thanks. please contact me on . thanks again

  3. No, sorry, I only ship eggs within the US!
