Thursday, January 18, 2007

where did the time go?

Hold on now, how did it get to be nearing the end of January? What the heck happened? Why am I not done drawing Standard chickens?!?! Gah!

I can't believe that in a week from tomorrow I'll be cooping in at the PPBA show. Has it really been a year??? This is nuts. I have to wash birds again! AND get all the art stuff ready. Ugggg, I probably need frames. Darn it, I might have to go the frame shop again tomorrow! It's always something....

I have to get those dog paintings done. I have to do my stupid #$%$%^ business taxes by the end of the month. Arg!

I really need to move on from the Standard drawings, but I need to get them done before I can move on, but I'm really dragging my heels again. Not good! I am excited about some upcoming projects though. I've started back to work in the litho studio. It's been three years since I've printed a lithograph so it'll take some getting used to but it's good to be back and I think my image will turn out really nice. I grained the stone today and hope to start drawing next time I'm in there. My next non-commissioned drawing will be an Aseel (Asil, however you want to spell it) rooster. Probably spangled, and I can't tell you what the context will be but it's going to be...unique! :-) I'm just debating about the size. My original plan was to do a "life size" image, so probably about a 21x24 inch piece of paper. This would take 2+ weeks to draw, and have a very high price tag on it (fine by me if it sells!). Not sure I want to put the time into a big risky piece though. Maybe I'd be better off working smaller so I can put a smaller price tag on it. 10x11 seems too small though. 14x16? Life size *would* be impressive. I think it just comes down to how much of a risk I want to take. Maybe I need to sketch it out and see...


  1. Katherine,
    Well, it looks like Kevin and I will be down for the show. Just to watch and have fun. We would love to be of any help with unloading, setting up or carrying anything you might need. He could use the points towards community service and I could use the exercise. We are planning to be down Friday evening around 6:30 or so depending on the road. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

  2. Thank you! I may just take you up on that, there's *always* something to be done! And I know the show secretary and food booths often need help too, should you find youselves with nothing going on. :-) I will see you either Friday evening or Saturday morning!
