Monday, December 11, 2006

Bantam Rose Comb White Leghorns

Okey dokey, time to start posting Standard art. I'm going to put these up in the order that I did them. So here's the first pair, Bantam Rose Comb White Leghorns.

8x10 inches each
colored pencil, graphite, ink
on white paper


  1. 2004! Migosh, this has been going on since 2004? Congrats on finally reaching (almost) the end of this project. JJ

  2. Ha ha, yeah, but there were hardly any that year, the job and ALL people involved (not just me!) didn't get serious til 2005, so it's essentially been a 2-year long process (which also started with HALF as many on the list as I ended up doing, I might add! Whew!) It will be good to be done, I'm rather excited about moving on.

  3. Wow Katherine, those are spectacular, you have such an amazing talent! We are also amazed you have been working on these for so long. It must be really great to get to the finishing ones. Can't wait to see the rest!
